Emotional Regulation App

Mobile application aimed to help older children and teens gain control of their own emotional regulation

Project Details


EmoMe is a mobile application designed to empower older children and teenagers with Autism to reclaim control over their emotions. Unlike neurotypical individuals, children on the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often face challenges in comprehending and expressing their emotions. EmoMe addresses this by providing a supportive platform that assists users in understanding the reasons behind their emotions. The app offers practical strategies for managing these emotions and navigating social situations. In instances of emotional dysregulation, EmoMe includes a feature to guide users in calming down and restoring a sense of emotional balance. Accessibility features such as the type and point size, leading, and colours were considered when creating this app.

5 mobile app screens standing on a yellow background

Custom Illustrations

It was important that I carefully created these custom illustrations to represent the emotion we are trying to convey, as emotions and facial expressions are hard to understand for those on the autism spectrum. Another important factor was to ensure that the characters were not too child-like, instead representing the age of the users.

Mobile app mockup on medium blue background. Apps have a dark blue background with bright buttons
six simple illustrations of faces showing emotions

Watch how the app works

Click on the icon above to open the Prototype